EBRD strateginio dokumento Rytų ir Pietų Europai, Azijai parengimas
Strateginio dokumento skirto individualios energijos apskaitos plėtrai, energijos efektyvumo priemonių diegimo įgalinimui ir skirto šalims, kuriose veikia EBRD, parengimas. Ataskaitą galima reasti pagal šią nuorodą: https://www.ebrd.com/cs/Satellite?c=Content&cid=1395253568148&pagename=EBRD%2FContent%2FHublet (Nr.12)

Introducing Individual Metering and Demand Side Measures in District Heating Systems in EBRD Countries of Operation. The overall objective of this assignment is to provide interested national and local governments and DH companies with information and guidance on the technology required and possible reforms to facilitate the implementation of individual metering and demand-side energy efficiency measures in consumer homes. Furthermore, the assignment will result in the finalisation of the Infrastructure Policy Paper.
Task 1. Questionnaire, Short Memo Preparation and Seminar Content. Review all materials provided by the Bank. Research potential market participants in the countries identified as key partners, the current regulations surrounding heat supply in the relevant countries, challenges and best practice examples of reform or network improvement in those countries. Summarise existing relevant sector reform pathways suggested by leading institutions such as the World Bank, IFC, OECD or others.
Task 2. Coordinate and Participate in the Seminar. Organisation of EBRD International seminar “Infrastructure-EPG policy dialogue: Demand side management in the District Heating sector. Introducing Individual Metering and Demand Side Measures in District Heating Systems in EBRD Countries of Operation” held in Vilnius, Lithuania June 27th – 28th 2018. Seminar topics: Issues encountered when trying to implement metering covering the consumption of heating and hot water; The use of individual heating substations (IHS) and ‘closing’ of ‘open’ networks; The application of heat cost allocators to apartment blocks; Consumer resistance to new technologies and forms of billing; Installation, ownership and maintenance; Retrofit of individual metering devices to existing building stock; Long term monitoring and data collection from metering devices; Business models for energy efficiency refurbishments of apartment blocks; Implementing programs to encourage the uptake of demand-side measures or building energy efficiency retrofits.
Task 3. The Policy Paper development. The Policy Paper will focus is on defining the challenges and their importance to the DH sector and point toward the range of possible policy solutions including best-practice approaches and the ‘journey’ that DH Companies, Governments and regulators should follow in order to transform the DH sector in their country into one based on a consumer demand led model.