Horishni Plavni šilumos ūkio modernizavimas
NEFCO techninė pagalba projekto Horishni Plavni (Ukraina) centralizuoto šilumso tiekimo infrastruktūros modernizavimas įgyvendinimui. Generalin is rangovas - Ramboll Group A/S, subrangovas - Ekotermija

Main tasks:
Task 1.: Support in capacity building of the PIU and the Municipal Company “Teploenergo” of Horishni Plavni City (the Company).
Task 2. Feasibility study to assess waste heat supply from the mining company to Horishni Plavni city DH system;
Task 3. Support the Company’s corporate development to fully achieve the benefits of the project. This task includes: Company assistance in procurement of fuel (sunflower husk SFH) alternatively sunflower husk pellets (SFHP)); Company support in applying a market oriented approach towards the Company’s stake-holders (the owners, the partners, the local industry, fuel suppliers, customers and others) in line with modern strategies for environmental, economic and social sustainable district heating operations adapted for the Ukrainian context; Organization and participation in a study tour to the Nordic/ Baltic countries to study best practices in Nordic/ Baltic district heating strategic development and the market-oriented approach to district heating.