Moldavijos energijos ir biomasės plėtros projektas
Generalinis konsultantas Allplan GmbH (Austrija), Ekotermija veikė kaip subrangovas.

Ekotermija pagrindinės užduotys:
1. Analyse the functioning of the 2 Revolving Funds (biomass collection and pelleting equipment) and prepare a report assessing the transparency of their selection procedure and the proper functioning of their financing mechanisms. A comprehensive technical report assessing the functioning of the two Revolving-Funds and providing assessment of the transparency of the selection process of beneficiaries and of the methods of management/monitoring of the revolving funds.
2. Analyse the functioning of the mechanism set-up to provide financial incentives for purchase of biomass boilers to householders and SMEs, and prepare a report assessing the transparency of selection procedure and the proper monitoring/functioning of the instrument. A comprehensive technical report assessing the transparency of the selection procedure used in the framework of the mechanism set-up up to provide financial incentives for purchase of biomass boilers to householders and SMEs and evaluate the methods of management/ of the instrument.
The reports were submitted to the EU Delegation Moldova.